
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / annotationdefinition.generator.documenttarget / TagSetDocumentTargetGeneratorModel


class TagSetDocumentTargetGeneratorModel : AnnotationGenerator

Use this class for external ML models which are already trained and don’t need any training data


Name Summary
<init> Use this class for external ML models which are already trained and don’t need any training dataTagSetDocumentTargetGeneratorModel(id: String, annotationDefinitionID: String, name: String, description: String, input: AnnotationStepKey, predictUrl: String, httpAuthentication: HttpAuthentication = HttpAuthentication.None, finalizeCondition: FinalizeCondition = FinalizeCondition.Always, createdTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis())


Name Summary
httpAuthentication var httpAuthentication: HttpAuthentication
predictUrl var predictUrl: String


Name Summary
generateAnnotation suspend fun generateAnnotation(document: Document, generatedAnnotationData: GeneratedAnnotationData): DocumentTargetAnnotation
updateModel Call this to update the mutable fields of an AnnotationGeneratorfun updateModel(newAnnotationGenerator: AnnotationGenerator): Unit