
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

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activeannoservice / annotationdefinition.generator / UpdatableAnnotationGenerator


abstract class UpdatableAnnotationGenerator : AnnotationGenerator

Base class for AnnotationGenerators which are updatable, for example ML models, as compared to static models like a statistics based generator


Name Summary
<init> Base class for AnnotationGenerators which are updatable, for example ML models, as compared to static models like a statistics based generatorUpdatableAnnotationGenerator(id: String, annotationDefinitionID: String, targetType: TargetType, name: String, description: String, input: AnnotationStepKey, finalizeCondition: FinalizeCondition, startThreshold: Int, updateThreshold: Int, dataFilter: FilterCondition, versions: MutableList<UpdatableAnnotationGeneratorVersion> = mutableListOf(), createdTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis())


Name Summary
dataFilter How to select the data for updating of this generator. Will be combined with a filter of existing finalized annotation results for the related annotation of this generatorvar dataFilter: FilterCondition
startThreshold How many samples are required minimum to start training / updating / predicting.var startThreshold: Int
updateThreshold How many new samples are required compared to the previous version to updatevar updateThreshold: Int
versions var versions: MutableList<UpdatableAnnotationGeneratorVersion>


Name Summary
optimize Optionally, subclasses can implement optimize to optimize e.g. hyperparameters of a ML modelopen suspend fun optimize(data: Map<Document, List<AnnotationResult>>): Unit
update Implement this for updating the annotation generator given the versionabstract suspend fun update(version: UpdatableAnnotationGeneratorVersion, data: Map<Document, List<AnnotationResult>>): Unit
updateModel Call this to update the mutable fields of an AnnotationGeneratoropen fun updateModel(newAnnotationGenerator: AnnotationGenerator): Unit


Name Summary
TagSetDocumentTargetUpdatableGeneratorModel Generic updatable AnnotationGenerator for TagSetAnnotationDefinition and DocumentTarget.class TagSetDocumentTargetUpdatableGeneratorModel : UpdatableAnnotationGenerator