
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / / SpanTarget


data class SpanTarget : Target

Use this for annotations that should be created for a specific span. Define characteristics of how the span should be set.


Name Summary
<init> Use this for annotations that should be created for a specific span. Define characteristics of how the span should be set.SpanTarget(granularity: SpanGranularity, multiToken: Boolean = true, trimWhitespace: Boolean = true, trimPunctuation: Boolean = true, allowStacking: Boolean = true, minNumberOfSpans: Int? = null, maxNumberOfSpans: Int? = null)


Name Summary
allowStacking Allow other annotations on top of this one. For example, “A great comment” where “comment” is already labeled, allow “great comment” to also be labeled with either another or the sameval allowStacking: Boolean
granularity val granularity: SpanGranularity
maxNumberOfSpans Maximum number of spans. Default = null, meaning no limit. For example, if value = 3, the annotation can have 3 separate spans.val maxNumberOfSpans: Int?
minNumberOfSpans Minimum number of spans for the annotation, default = null, meaning no limit. Only relevant if annotation itself is required, else this value is not checked.val minNumberOfSpans: Int?
multiToken Allow multiple tokens in a single span. Example: “A great comment”. Span: “great comment”. If false, only “A”, “great” or “comment” would be allowed.val multiToken: Boolean
trimPunctuation Trim punctuation from spans automaticallyval trimPunctuation: Boolean
trimWhitespace Trim whitespaces from spans automaticallyval trimWhitespace: Boolean
type val type: TargetType