
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / annotationdefinition / OpenTagAnnotationDefinition


class OpenTagAnnotationDefinition : AnnotationDefinition

Tags annotation with the ability to add new tags from the user. Here, the tag is just a string / the value is the actual string


Name Summary
<init> Tags annotation with the ability to add new tags from the user. Here, the tag is just a string / the value is the actual stringOpenTagAnnotationDefinition(id: AnnotationID, name: String, shortName: String?, createdTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), minNumberOfTags: Int = 1, maxNumberOfTags: Int? = null, trimWhitespace: Boolean = true, caseBehavior: CaseBehavior = CaseBehavior.KEEP_ORIGINAL, useExistingValuesAsPredefinedTags: Boolean = false, predefinedTags: MutableList<String>)


Name Summary
caseBehavior val caseBehavior: CaseBehavior
maxNumberOfTags var maxNumberOfTags: Int?
minNumberOfTags var minNumberOfTags: Int
predefinedTags var predefinedTags: MutableList<String>
trimWhitespace val trimWhitespace: Boolean
useExistingValuesAsPredefinedTags var useExistingValuesAsPredefinedTags: Boolean


Name Summary
updateModel Update the database model of an instance from a new instance. This should be used to control which fields are updatable through the API and which are updateModel(newAnnotationDefinition: AnnotationDefinition): Unit
validateAnnotation Validate an annotation based on the defined constraints, needs to be implemented by every validateAnnotation(annotations: AnnotationMap, target: Target, locale: Locale?): ValidationError?