
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / api.manage

Package api.manage


Name Summary
AccuracyStatistics Statistics about the accuracy and IAAdata class AccuracyStatistics
AnalyzedAnnotationResult Analyzed individual annotation resultdata class AnalyzedAnnotationResult
AnalyzedDocument A document with additional statistics like agreement and correctnessdata class AnalyzedDocument
AnalyzeProjectRequest Request body for analyze endpointdata class AnalyzeProjectRequest
AnalyzeProjectResponse Analyze response with TopLevelStatistics and a list of AnalyzedDocumentsdata class AnalyzeProjectResponse
DocumentStatistics Individual statistics for a documentdata class DocumentStatistics
FinalizedAnnotationResultForAnalysis Finalized annotation result used for the analze responsedata class FinalizedAnnotationResultForAnalysis
PercentWrapper Wrap the percent by storing n, the absolute value as well as the calulcated percent class PercentWrapper
ProjectStoreResponse Response body for storing a Project with success info and validation errorsdata class ProjectStoreResponse
TimeWrapper Wrap a time average with the n over which it was calculateddata class TimeWrapper
TopLevelStatistics Statistics calculated over all documentsdata class TopLevelStatistics

Extensions for External Classes

Name Summary


Name Summary
analyzeDocuments Analyze the given documents w.r.t accuracy, agreement etc.suspend fun analyzeDocuments(documents: Map<Document, List<AnnotationResult>>, project: Project, analyzeProject: AnalyzeProjectRequest, userIdentifier: UserIdentifier): AnalyzeProjectResponse
validateProject Validate a project to ensure it is not in an invalid statesuspend fun validateProject(project: ManageProject, locale: Locale?, annotationDefinitionDAO: AnnotationDefinitionDAO, annotationGeneratorDAO: AnnotationGeneratorDAO): Map<String, ProjectValidationError>