
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / api.manage.dto / ManageProject


data class ManageProject

View data class - all properties necessary to display and edit project from management perspective in frontend


Name Summary
<init> View data class - all properties necessary to display and edit project from management perspective in frontendManageProject(id: ProjectID, name: String, description: String = "", priority: Int, active: Boolean, userRoles: UserRoles, inputMapping: InputMapping, filter: FilterCondition?, sort: Sort, selection: DocumentSelection, annotationSchema: AnnotationSchema, layout: Layout, policy: Policy, export: Export, createProjectSpecificIndexes: Boolean)


Name Summary
active val active: Boolean
annotationSchema val annotationSchema: AnnotationSchema
createProjectSpecificIndexes val createProjectSpecificIndexes: Boolean
description val description: String
export val export: Export
filter val filter: FilterCondition?
id val id: ProjectID
inputMapping val inputMapping: InputMapping
layout val layout: Layout
name val name: String
policy val policy: Policy
priority val priority: Int
selection val selection: DocumentSelection
sort val sort: Sort
userRoles val userRoles: UserRoles

Extension Functions

Name Summary
toProject Convert a ManageProject to a Projectfun ManageProject.toProject(creator: UserIdentifier, creationTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), updateTimestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()): Project