Web-based responsive document annotation tool
activeannoservice / api.manage / AnalyzeProjectResponse
data class AnalyzeProjectResponse
Analyze response with TopLevelStatistics and a list of AnalyzedDocuments
Name | Summary |
<init> | Analyze response with TopLevelStatistics and a list of AnalyzedDocumentsAnalyzeProjectResponse(projectID: ProjectID , analyzedDocuments: List < AnalyzedDocument >, topLevelStatistics: TopLevelStatistics ?, annotateProject: AnnotateProject ?, annotationNames: Map < AnnotationID , String >, userNames: Map < UserIdentifier , String >, errorMessage: String ? = null) |
Name | Summary |
analyzedDocuments | val analyzedDocuments: List < AnalyzedDocument > |
annotateProject | val annotateProject: AnnotateProject ? |
annotationNames | val annotationNames: Map < AnnotationID , String > |
errorMessage | val errorMessage: String ? |
projectID | val projectID: ProjectID |
topLevelStatistics | val topLevelStatistics: TopLevelStatistics ? |
userNames | val userNames: Map < UserIdentifier , String > |