
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

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activeannoservice / common / io.ktor.application.ApplicationCall

Extensions for io.ktor.application.ApplicationCall

Name Summary
acceptedLocalesOrDefault Get Locales from AcceptLanguage headerfun ApplicationCall.acceptedLocalesOrDefault(): List<Locale>
getMessageObject Given a message key and optionally a locale, return a message object. If the locale is missing, use the application call to try to get the preferred localefun ApplicationCall.getMessageObject(key: String, locale: Locale? = null): Any
getMessageString Given a message key and optionally a locale, return the message string. If the locale is missing, use the application call to try to get the preferred localefun ApplicationCall.getMessageString(key: String, locale: Locale? = null): String
getMessageStringArray Given a message key and optionally a locale, return the message string array. If the locale is missing, use the application call to try to get the preferred localefun ApplicationCall.getMessageStringArray(key: String, locale: Locale? = null): Array<String>
preferredSupportedLocaleOrDefault Get the first matching supporting locale or the default locale from an application callfun ApplicationCall.preferredSupportedLocaleOrDefault(): Locale