
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / AnnotationResult


data class AnnotationResult

Data class representing a single annotation result by either an annotator, a curator or a merge of annotator responses by the policy logic.


Name Summary
<init> Data class representing a single annotation result by either an annotator, a curator or a merge of annotator responses by the policy logic.AnnotationResult(id: AnnotationResultID, documentID: DocumentID, projectID: ProjectID, timestamp: Long, annotations: AnnotationMap, creator: AnnotationResultCreator, interactionLog: InteractionLog? = null, documentData: Map<String, Any>? = null, usedProject: UsedAnnotateProject? = null, generatedAnnotationDataID: String? = null)


Name Summary
annotations val annotations: AnnotationMap
creator val creator: AnnotationResultCreator
documentData val documentData: Map<String, Any>?
documentID val documentID: DocumentID
generatedAnnotationDataID val generatedAnnotationDataID: String?
id val id: AnnotationResultID
interactionLog val interactionLog: InteractionLog?
projectID val projectID: ProjectID
timestamp val timestamp: Long
usedProject val usedProject: UsedAnnotateProject?