
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / AnnotationResultCreator


sealed class AnnotationResultCreator

The AnnotationResultCreator represents by whom an AnnotationResult was created, which can be by humans (Annotator, Curator), a machine Generators, externally Import or through consensus of all the previous Consensus.


Name Summary
Annotator data class Annotator : AnnotationResultCreator
Consensus data class Consensus : AnnotationResultCreator
Curator data class Curator : AnnotationResultCreator
Generators data class Generators : AnnotationResultCreator
Import data class Import : AnnotationResultCreator

Extension Functions

Name Summary
mapAnnotationResultCreatorToDTO Convert AnnotationResultCreator to AnnotationResultCreatorDTOsuspend fun AnnotationResultCreator.mapAnnotationResultCreatorToDTO(): AnnotationResultCreatorDTO