
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / DocumentTargetAnnotation


data class DocumentTargetAnnotation : Annotation<DocumentTarget>

An annotation which is targeted on the whole document, not a specific part of it. For example, a class label “SPAM” or “NO SPAM” for the whole document.


Name Summary
<init> An annotation which is targeted on the whole document, not a specific part of it. For example, a class label “SPAM” or “NO SPAM” for the whole document.DocumentTargetAnnotation(values: List<ValueToProbability>)


Name Summary
singleValue For annotations that only store a single value, never a list, this property is a shortcut to accessing itval singleValue: ValueToProbability?
values We always store a set of values, even though some annotations will be 1 length lists (like a single boolean value). This is to streamline to API and data handling in all steps.val values: List<ValueToProbability>


Name Summary
equals We overwrite equals (and hashCode) because while the order of values should be preserved, for comparison it should not matterfun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
hashCode fun hashCode(): Int