
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / FinalizedAnnotationResult


data class FinalizedAnnotationResult

Data class representing a finalized annotation, which can be one or multiple annotations (referenced by their IDs). It also contains meta data about why the document was finalized, which policy was used, when the finalization happened, and statistics about how the annotations were exported.


Name Summary
<init> Data class representing a finalized annotation, which can be one or multiple annotations (referenced by their IDs). It also contains meta data about why the document was finalized, which policy was used, when the finalization happened, and statistics about how the annotations were exported.FinalizedAnnotationResult(annotationResultIDs: List<String>, finalizedReason: FinalizedReason, usedPolicy: Policy, timestamp: Long, exportStatistics: ExportStatistics = ExportStatistics())


Name Summary
annotationResultIDs val annotationResultIDs: List<String>
exportStatistics val exportStatistics: ExportStatistics
finalizedReason val finalizedReason: FinalizedReason
timestamp val timestamp: Long
usedPolicy val usedPolicy: Policy