
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / GeneratedAnnotationData


data class GeneratedAnnotationData

When a Project has any AnnotationGenerator defined through the AnnotationSchema, they will store their results here. Every time annotation generation is triggered, every generator will be executed again and a new instance of this class will be added to the ProjectAnnotationData


Name Summary
<init> When a Project has any AnnotationGenerator defined through the AnnotationSchema, they will store their results here. Every time annotation generation is triggered, every generator will be executed again and a new instance of this class will be added to the ProjectAnnotationDataGeneratedAnnotationData(timestamp: Long, annotations: AnnotationMap, id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString())


Name Summary
annotations GeneratedAnnotations can either be targeted on a document or span level. In hybrid scenarios, where both are supported, span will always overwrite document, as it is more specific.val annotations: AnnotationMap
id val id: String
timestamp val timestamp: Long

Extension Functions

Name Summary
buildAnnotationResult Build an AnnotationResult from an GeneratedAnnotationData, transforming the annotations based on the AnnotationDefinitions transformGeneratedAnnotation methodfun GeneratedAnnotationData.buildAnnotationResult(document: Document, projectID: String, annotationSchema: DenormalizedAnnotationSchema): AnnotationResult