
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document.annotation / WebHookExport


data class WebHookExport

Information about a web hook export, containing the export URL, how often it was tries, if it was successful, and possible failure logs for debugging purposes (for example when the web hook returns a 401 unauthorized etc.)


Name Summary
<init> Information about a web hook export, containing the export URL, how often it was tries, if it was successful, and possible failure logs for debugging purposes (for example when the web hook returns a 401 unauthorized etc.)WebHookExport(url: String, tries: Int = 0, success: Boolean = false, createdTimestamp: Long, updatedTimestamp: Long, failureLogs: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf())


Name Summary
createdTimestamp val createdTimestamp: Long
failureLogs val failureLogs: MutableList<String>
success var success: Boolean
tries var tries: Int
updatedTimestamp var updatedTimestamp: Long
url val url: String