
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / document / ProjectAnnotationData


class ProjectAnnotationData

Data class representing all annotation data for a specific project.


Name Summary
<init> Data class representing all annotation data for a specific project.ProjectAnnotationData(generatedAnnotationData: List<GeneratedAnnotationData> = listOf(), annotationResults: List<AnnotationResult> = listOf(), finalizedAnnotationResults: List<FinalizedAnnotationResult> = listOf(), policyAction: PolicyAction = PolicyAction.ShowToAnnotator())


Name Summary
annotationResults var annotationResults: List<AnnotationResult>
finalizedAnnotationResults var finalizedAnnotationResults: List<FinalizedAnnotationResult>
generatedAnnotationData var generatedAnnotationData: List<GeneratedAnnotationData>
policyAction The policyAction holds the state of how to handle the document for the specific project, to either show if to an annotator, curator etc.var policyAction: PolicyAction

Extension Functions

Name Summary
getNewestFinalizedAnnotationResult Get the newest finalized annotation, being treated as the actual final annotation. FinalizedAnnotations can be changed after the fact, so the newest one is always the new ProjectAnnotationData.getNewestFinalizedAnnotationResult(): FinalizedAnnotationResult?