
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project

Package project


Name Summary
Project Complete model of a project. This model represents the database structure / is stored in mongoDBdata class Project
ProjectDAO DAO for the Project regulating access to the project collectionclass ProjectDAO
ProjectID typealias ProjectID = String
ProjectValidationError A single validation error for a specific key of the ManageProjectdata class ProjectValidationError
UsedAnnotateProject Data class used to store the AnnotateProject used in the annotation process. For example, the selection is not part of this, because it can be very big and is generally unnecessary to class UsedAnnotateProject


Name Summary
getFilterConditions Get the filterCondition to use for a Project. If the project is null, it is treated as a restricted project and the ID will be used to filter for restrictedProject from documents. Else, the method will make sure that no restricted document for another project will be accidentally included for this Project.getFilterConditions(): Array<FilterCondition>