
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.annotationschema / DenormalizedAnnotationSchemaElement


data class DenormalizedAnnotationSchemaElement

Equivalent to AnnotationSchemaElement but denormalized, meaning all ID references are replaced by the actual objects


Name Summary
<init> Equivalent to AnnotationSchemaElement but denormalized, meaning all ID references are replaced by the actual objectsDenormalizedAnnotationSchemaElement(annotationDefinition: AnnotationDefinition, target: Target, enableCondition: EnableCondition? = null, annotationGenerator: AnnotationGenerator? = null)


Name Summary
annotationDefinition val annotationDefinition: AnnotationDefinition
annotationGenerator val annotationGenerator: AnnotationGenerator?
enableCondition Under which condition will this annotation step be executed / enabled for the project Null means unconditionallyval enableCondition: EnableCondition?
target val target: Target