
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.annotationschema / EnableCondition


abstract class EnableCondition

AnnotationSchemaElements can be conditional, defined by an EnableCondition. If an EnableCondition is null, that means it is always required. Else, the enable conditions execute method needs to return true for the element to be prompted.


Name Summary
<init> AnnotationSchemaElements can be conditional, defined by an EnableCondition. If an EnableCondition is null, that means it is always required. Else, the enable conditions execute method needs to return true for the element to be prompted.EnableCondition()


Name Summary
execute abstract fun execute(document: Document, annotations: AnnotationMap): Boolean


Name Summary
And data class And : EnableCondition
AtomicEnableCondition AtomicEnableConditions are defined in relation to a single referenceKey and do not include more complex conditions such as And or Or.abstract class AtomicEnableCondition : EnableCondition
Not data class Not : EnableCondition
Or data class Or : EnableCondition