
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.layout

Package project.layout


Name Summary
ButtonColor enum class ButtonColor
ButtonSize enum class ButtonSize
Column A column is part of a row and has a width dependent of screen size. Every row should have at least one class Column
ColumnSizes The UI defines 5 different screen size breakpoints, from smallest (xs) to largest (xl). The actual pixel breakpoints are defined by the UI. Column sizes should be in 1,12 range, 12 being the full width of the row, 1 being 1/12 width of the row. At least xs needs to be class ColumnSizes
Layout Define the layout of how annotation interactions / inputs will be displayed in the class Layout
LayoutArea Mapping of layout areas to list of rows containing UI elementsdata class LayoutArea
LayoutAreaType There are 4 different UI areas which are defined by this enum. All four areas can contain read-only/display elements, but not all are allowed to have all types of interaction elements.enum class LayoutAreaType
LayoutElement Interface for all UI elements, uses json polymorphic deserialization to map into actual UI elements.interface LayoutElement
Row Equivalent to a Row of UI layout systems like Bootstrap or Material UIdata class Row