
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.layout.elements.action / ActionElement


abstract class ActionElement : LayoutElement

Intermediary interface which marks subtypes as elements altering the state of the application by setting some annotation value


Name Summary
<init> Intermediary interface which marks subtypes as elements altering the state of the application by setting some annotation valueActionElement(referenceAnnotationDefinitionID: AnnotationID)


Name Summary
referenceAnnotationDefinitionID val referenceAnnotationDefinitionID: AnnotationID


Name Summary
denormalize abstract suspend fun denormalize(denormalizedAnnotationSchema: DenormalizedAnnotationSchema): DenormalizedActionElement
equals open fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
hashCode open fun hashCode(): Int
toString open fun toString(): String


Name Summary
BooleanButtonGroup class BooleanButtonGroup : ActionElement
ClosedNumberSlider class ClosedNumberSlider : ActionElement
NumberRangeSlider class NumberRangeSlider : ActionElement
OpenNumberInput HTML Number inputclass OpenNumberInput : ActionElement
OpenTagChipInput Chips element is a variable list of text inputs (tags) which can be extended, including an auto-complete feature with predefined answers.class OpenTagChipInput : ActionElement
OpenTextInput A multi line text input fieldclass OpenTextInput : ActionElement
TagSetButtonGroup A ButtonGroup is a collection of buttons which belong together. Based on the referenceAnnotation it can be single select or multi select.class TagSetButtonGroup : ActionElement
TagSetDropdown class TagSetDropdown : ActionElement