
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.layout / LayoutAreaType


enum class LayoutAreaType

There are 4 different UI areas which are defined by this enum. All four areas can contain read-only/display elements, but not all are allowed to have all types of interaction elements.

Enum Values

Name Summary
Common The common area only contains non-interactive elements. Normally, this would be the document text as well as important metadata.
SharedTarget Annotations that are shared between document and span target are shows above other annotations, so that the switching between the two targets is easier. Only annotations with target document and span are allowed to be here
DocumentTarget Annotation interactions that are only target to the whole document are in this area.
SpanTarget Annotation interactions that are only target to individual spans of the document are in this area.