
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.policy

Package project.policy


Name Summary
FinalizeAnnotationPolicy enum class FinalizeAnnotationPolicy
Policy Data class defining policy of how to handle documents / annotations, especially how and when to finalize an annotation for a document and class Policy
PolicyAction Sealed class for the different actions that can be required to be taken for a document to get the annotation done properlysealed class PolicyAction


Name Summary
PolicyFailureException class PolicyFailureException : RuntimeException


Name Summary
applyPolicy suspend fun Policy.applyPolicy(project: Project, document: Document, overwriteFinalizedAnnotations: Boolean = false, curationRequest: String? = null, annotationSchema: DenormalizedAnnotationSchema? = null): PolicyAction
isCompleteAnnotationResult We need to validate that an AnnotationResult has every required annotationfun isCompleteAnnotationResult(annotationResult: AnnotationResult, document: Document, annotationSchema: DenormalizedAnnotationSchema): Boolean