
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project / ProjectDAO


class ProjectDAO

DAO for the Project regulating access to the project collection


Name Summary
<init> DAO for the Project regulating access to the project collectionProjectDAO(database: CoroutineDatabase)


Name Summary
getAll suspend fun getAll(): List<Project>
getAllActive suspend fun getAllActive(): List<Project>
getAnnotateProjectsForUser suspend fun getAnnotateProjectsForUser(userIdentifier: UserIdentifier, activeOnly: Boolean = true): Set<Project>
getCurateProjectsForUser suspend fun getCurateProjectsForUser(userIdentifier: UserIdentifier, activeOnly: Boolean = true): Set<Project>
getManageProjectsForUser suspend fun getManageProjectsForUser(userIdentifier: UserIdentifier, activeOnly: Boolean = true): Set<Project>
getProjectById suspend fun getProjectById(id: String): Project
getProjectsByIds suspend fun getProjectsByIds(ids: List<String>): List<Project>
getProjectsForUser suspend fun getProjectsForUser(userIdentifier: UserIdentifier, activeOnly: Boolean = true): Set<Project>
insertOne suspend fun insertOne(project: Project): String
replaceById suspend fun replaceById(id: String, project: Project): UpdateResult
save suspend fun save(project: Project): UpdateResult?