
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

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activeannoservice / project.layout.elements.display

Package project.layout.elements.display


Name Summary
Base64Image Element displaying a constant Base64 encoded imagedata class Base64Image : DisplayElement
Base64ImageMetaData Display a meta data element that is a base64 encoded imagedata class Base64ImageMetaData : DisplayElement
Bold Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will be bold. Equivalent to an inline html element with fontWeight bold which will be applied to the children.class Bold : DisplayElement
DateMetaData Convert some input date format (e.g. timestamp) to date format or do nothing if not a timestamp for a given meta data elementdata class DateMetaData : DisplayElement
DisplayElement Intermediate interface specify that an Element is non-interactive, allows for restrictions of classes to require Elements to be non-interactiveinterface DisplayElement : LayoutElement
DocumentTextElement Element displaying the document class DocumentTextElement : DisplayElement
Icon Display a material icondata class Icon : DisplayElement
Italic Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will be italic. Equivalent to an inline html element with italic font style which will be applied to the children.class Italic : DisplayElement
MetaDataMapping For a meta data element, use the value as a key to the mapping map and display a list of DisplayElements or the fallback if no value is found for the keydata class MetaDataMapping : DisplayElement
MonospaceFont Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will use a monospace font. Equivalent to an inline html element with a monospace font which will be applied to the children.class MonospaceFont : DisplayElement
Popover A popover element, providing the ability to hide information (no interactions!) befind a popoverdata class Popover : DisplayElement
PopoverContent The PopoverContent are display elements which will be shown when the popover is visibleclass PopoverContent
PopoverTarget The PopoverTarget will be displayed into the parent context directly (for example some text, an icon or a combination)class PopoverTarget
PopoverTrigger Two ways a popover can be triggered, by click or hoverenum class PopoverTrigger
Text Just display some static textdata class Text : DisplayElement
TextMetaData Display the value of a meta data element based on the IDdata class TextMetaData : DisplayElement
UrlImage Element displaying an image provided by an URLdata class UrlImage : DisplayElement
UrlImageMetaData Display a meta data element that is an URL of an imagedata class UrlImageMetaData : DisplayElement