
Web-based responsive document annotation tool

View the Project on GitHub MaxMello/ActiveAnno

activeannoservice / project.layout.elements.display / DisplayElement


interface DisplayElement : LayoutElement

Intermediate interface specify that an Element is non-interactive, allows for restrictions of classes to require Elements to be non-interactive


Name Summary
Base64Image Element displaying a constant Base64 encoded imagedata class Base64Image : DisplayElement
Base64ImageMetaData Display a meta data element that is a base64 encoded imagedata class Base64ImageMetaData : DisplayElement
Bold Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will be bold. Equivalent to an inline html element with fontWeight bold which will be applied to the children.class Bold : DisplayElement
DateMetaData Convert some input date format (e.g. timestamp) to date format or do nothing if not a timestamp for a given meta data elementdata class DateMetaData : DisplayElement
DocumentTextElement Element displaying the document class DocumentTextElement : DisplayElement
Icon Display a material icondata class Icon : DisplayElement
Italic Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will be italic. Equivalent to an inline html element with italic font style which will be applied to the children.class Italic : DisplayElement
MetaDataMapping For a meta data element, use the value as a key to the mapping map and display a list of DisplayElements or the fallback if no value is found for the keydata class MetaDataMapping : DisplayElement
MonospaceFont Wrapper element, all children’s text elements will use a monospace font. Equivalent to an inline html element with a monospace font which will be applied to the children.class MonospaceFont : DisplayElement
Popover A popover element, providing the ability to hide information (no interactions!) befind a popoverdata class Popover : DisplayElement
Text Just display some static textdata class Text : DisplayElement
TextMetaData Display the value of a meta data element based on the IDdata class TextMetaData : DisplayElement
UrlImage Element displaying an image provided by an URLdata class UrlImage : DisplayElement
UrlImageMetaData Display a meta data element that is an URL of an imagedata class UrlImageMetaData : DisplayElement